Curated collection of wedding bouquet ranging from simple bouquets to cascading blooms.


We craft bespoke bridal bouquet and wedding flower arrangements, customised to your requirement and theme. We are best in lush flower arrangements that reflect our love of nature, flower and texture.

We love coming out new uses for flowers and including other unique materials within our designs.

wedding rose bridal bouquet

Beautiful Workmanship on Your Bridal Bouquet

That Flower Shop team is made up of the best and most experienced wedding florists, who will handle and select your wedding bouquet with great care so that it arrives in perfect condition wherever you want to send it. Don’t wait any longer and order you’re dreamed-of wedding hand bouquet right now!

We are Singapore’s Top Review Florist for Wedding Flowers. See What Our Customers Have to Say About Us!

Best Price Wedding Bouquets & Boutonnieres Set


Same Day Delivery in Singapore

We Can Customized Wedding Flower Bouquet to Meet Your Specific Needs

When you will visit our website you will find a wide variety of bridal bouquets. If you like any of these and find them matching with the overall theme of the event and your dress then perfect just place the order and we will make sure that they will reach you on time.

But if you already have a design in your mind or you don’t find what you are looking for then no need to worry. Just call us and talk to our florists about all the requirements and then we will make sure to make your dream into reality.

We are best known for our customized wedding flowers so it is guaranteed that once you receive our customized wedding bouquet you will love them and will become our long term customers.

Now that you know all our services and expertise and if your big day is coming then what are you waiting for just call us and avail of our amazing services at very minimal charges.

Creating beautiful flowers for every wedding, we design and create dazzling flowers for your special day.

Bridal Flower

Our Bridal Bouquet and Wedding Flower Arrangement
We Delivery Anywhere, Anytime

Need Customized Bridal Bouquet?

Call us NOW

CALL +65 6988 7427

Wedding Flowers Price Estimate

Wedding Flowers

  • Bridal Bouquets from $80
  • Boutonniere and Corsages from $15
  • Bridesmaid Posy from $60
  • Head Wreath from $50
  • Wrist Corsages from $25

Wedding Accessories

  • Fresh Flower Ring Holder from $70
  • Wedding Car Decoration Artificial from $280, Fresh from $350
  • Car Décor On Site installation $60
  • Installation services (material provided by customer) $120
Front Image

Bridal Bouquet Singapore Packages

We craft bespoke bridal bouquet and wedding flower arrangements, customised to your requirement and theme. We are best in lush flower arrangements that reflect our love of nature, flower and texture.

We love coming out new uses for flowers and including other unique materials within our designs.


    How to Choose the Shape of Your Bridal Bouquet Singapore?

    There are several different shapes of bouquets each that help the bride express something in their own unique manner. There some types of dresses, wedding décor, wedding flowers and bouquets that usually do not complement each other. It is very important to decide how you’re bridal bouquet should look like and the shape it is decorated in order to know the message being sent across. Below are different kinds of bouquets that send out different messages. All kinds of bouquets can be ordered at our flower shop.

    1. Select a round bouquet is often selected for its traditional outlook

    The round bouquet is considered the most traditional kind of bouquet. It comes in one of the most versatile shapes. It is considered that round bouquets work very nicely with nearly every kind of wedding dress. It can be made up of a single color or multiple hues; it can vary in sizes or uniform flowers and species. It is easier to make round or globular arrangements and has economical rates. It can be made in any size that is preferred by bride.

    1. Loose bouquets for a calm tone

    Loose bouquets are commonly referred to as hand tied or organic bouquets. They include different flowers or a collection of loosely tied flowers with a ribbon. This type of bouquet gives a rather relaxed look. These are considered perfect for beach weddings. These are often used as a Wedding Bouquet.

    1. Crescent shapes bouquets used for weddings

    This kind of bouquet can be made to look modern or tradition by varying the kinds of flowers being used and the length of their arms. These kinds of bouquet are easily available on Wedding Florist.

    1. Pageant bouquet for formal weddings

    These are famous for their long stems. This specific style is considered great for weddings and relatively formal events. If the flowers are tied in a loose manner then they can be used for casual occasions too.

    1. Use the oval bouquet with big wedding dress

    An expert florist might recommend using two different colored flowers in oval bouquets. These are very similar to round bridal bouquet. They complement nicely with ball gowns and other wedding dresses that have a lot of flair.

    1. Heart bouquets represent sentiments of affection and love

    When selecting heart bouquets use one color as the impression comes from the shape in this kind of bouquets rather than colors.  These are easily available at flower delivery.

    These are a few tips that should be kept is mind while selecting the shape of a wedding flower bouquet.