Orchids proved to be one of the most interesting plants that anyone can grow indoor or outdoor. Growing them in water, which is called hydroponic orchid growing, is a new culture. This is a great way of collecting and growing different types of orchids at home. But to many orchid collectors and growers, the most common question is that, can orchids be grown in water?
Growing orchids in water are possible. The art of growing plants in water without using any types of soil is called hydroponic. This is possible in Orchids, too. Hydroponic orchids grow through its roots. However, it should not be done directly from the potting mix to water. Orchids need a little time to adapt to this change, even though they are highly adaptive. If you want to grow your orchids through hydroponic or water culture, here’s what you should do:
Prune the roots first
The first thing to do is to let the Orchid plants adapt to water culture type of growing. You can simply do this by pruning the old roots to allow new roots to grow. The new roots will adapt well to this new environment. However, orchids even when it is already adapted to the water culture, the roots tend to rot. Make sure that you watch out for rotten roots. At the first sign of root rot, the root should be removed immediately so that it will not affect all the other roots.
The roots tend to rot easily if the water is infected by virus and bacteria. Dirt and chemicals from the water may cause the said infection. If you prefer the hydroponic style of growing your orchids, make sure that you check on the roots often. A glass container is a right choice for hydroponic orchids because you will be able to see clearly through the glass and inspect the roots easily.
Use only distilled water and rainwater
Tap water may contain chlorine and chemicals while salt water may damage the plants. For your hydroponic Orchids or for growing orchids in water, distilled water is your best option. When the plant is already adapted to the water environment, transfer it in a container that has distilled water only. On the other hand, the water should be changed and replaced with distilled water, too, after a week. By doing so, you will keep your plants clean and healthy.
Rainwater is also a perfect substitute during the rainy season. Tropical plants like Orchids love the water from the rain. Rainwater may also tend to become dirty after a few days. Make sure that you do not leave your orchid plants soaking in dirty and contaminated water.
Orchids in hydroponic need oxygen
In order to live, Orchids need oxygen. The roots and the leaves absorb the oxygen and transported to all parts of the plants. In a hydroponic or water culture type of growing orchids, the plant may lack the needed oxygen because the roots are submerged in water. To help the plant, the experts recommend using air stone to supply consistent oxygen. Learn to observe your plant frequently so that you will see the cues for alarming signal, in case the plant lacked oxygen. You will also be able to give your plants the right treatment immediately if they are sick or they need special attention.
Water change is important
Just like how Orchids are grown in an ordinary or common way, watering once a week is important. For hydroponic orchids, the water should also be replaced with new on a weekly basis to ensure the health and growth of the plant. By changing the water at least once a week, you also remove pathogens that may harm the plant. In addition, this is also the time to add plant food or orchid fertilizer.
Light is also essential
Aside from water, the Orchid plants need sufficient bright light in order to grow healthy and nourished. You can place your plants on the windowsill or somewhere where they can get indirect sunlight. Artificial light can be used, too, to provide the needed light. Hydroponic orchids will soon bloom provided that the plants are well-nourished and properly cared for. To encourage blooming, it is best to keep the temperature in the room at lower rate.
They grow well in a larger container
You can place the Orchids in a larger container with distilled water to allow the roots to maximize the space and absorb the water. Glass containers are perfect for hydroponic orchids or for water culture orchids. This is the best option if you want to get a clear view of the roots as they grow in water. A glass jar or a terrarium would do as your orchid pot. You will see it right away if the roots are rotting or if there are pathogens and dirt floating in the water.
Orchids can be grown in water. You can use just about anything you want for your plants provided that you give your plants all the essential things they need to live and to become healthier. Nothing can stop you from growing your most favorite species and varieties of Orchids at home, whether you want to grow them using the usual potting mix or media designed for Orchids or use the hydroponic. Growing Orchids can be rewarding once the blooms begin to appear and buds begin to bloom into beautiful and fragrant flowers.