Any baby showers are a wonderful way of celebrating the coming of a new baby, and this is also the chance for family and friends to have part in the celebration. There are so many baby shower gift items and ideas to choose from, and they are available in the market whether you prefer to buy online or from a department store. When giving a Baby Hamper Singapore, shopping for the Baby Gifts Singapore may require you to be wise so that the gifts will turn out unique and special. Here are some of the most popular baby shower gifts Singapore usually chosen and preferred by many people:
- Baby diapers arranged like a cake.
Although diapers are not really something that the family can keep for long, but they are the most essential items baby needs every day. Arrange them like a diaper cake and add a special accessory or decoration to the baby shower party.
- Baby bottles and feeding set.
Feeding the baby nowadays is not just through breastfeeding, but most moms prefer to give formulas as well once in a while. Some moms who are working will need to have several baby feeding bottles available where she can store breast milk for later use to feed the baby. Most of the baby gifts online include different designs of baby bottles, and they are just perfect for a baby gift set to give.
- Baby toys.
Toys for baby may include educational and fun learning and playing toys. Aside from toys for fun, books and other educational toys today are made from soft and washable fabric, making them safe even for the infants. They are also a perfect item to include in any baby hamper delivery.
- Baby hampers and baskets.
If you want to give several items or sets of newborn baby gifts, it is wise to arrange them in a basket or hamper. You can fill one with baby clothes, baby booties, baby mittens, bibs, diapers, and other special items for both the baby and the parents. A Baby Hamper Singapore is enough to hold several gift items.
If you do not know what to give, you may choose to give gift certificates instead, and let the parents choose which products or items to buy for their baby. Giving gifts on baby shower should not be based on the cost of the items. Any item would be nice, especially if it came from your heart.