In most cases, funeral flowers are sent to the funeral home where it can provide comfort to the bereaved during this time of grief. If you plan to send flowers on the day when the funeral service should take place, the flowers are best sent to the funeral home early in the day. If you do not know when the funeral will take place, you can always send the flowers in advance so it can decorate the casket during open-casket viewing.
In some cases, the casket is placed in the church even before the funeral service takes place. When public viewing is allowed, in case the deceased is a famous personality, the funeral flowers can be sent to the church. In this case, the family will be there to receive the flowers.
If you can’t attend the funeral, sending flowers is an appropriate way to say that you have not forgotten. If you do not know where the funeral service will take place or the funeral home, the local florist can help you out. An online florist that offers express flower delivery to funeral homes can check with the local obituaries to find out where to deliver the funeral flowers.
Different religious beliefs generally accept funeral flowers at the funeral home. Some hold the funeral service at the funeral home. In other cases, they have a funeral mass at the church and proceed with the funeral service at the cemetery. In such cases, the time spent at the church is only a small fraction in comparison to the time spent at the funeral home. Hence, sending the funeral flowers to the funeral home is preferable.
Sending Funeral Flowers Overseas
When you hear about the loss of a family member, a friend, or a colleague and you’re not in Singapore, you can search for online florists in Singapore that offer same day flower delivery. It is important to send the flowers early on the day of the funeral service. Flower delivery same day services will ensure that your flowers will get there on time for the funeral service.
You can also opt to send a flower arrangement addressed to the immediate family of the deceased. In this case, it is best to send it to the family home or family business.
Ordering Funeral Flowers and Delivery
Some families arrange the funeral service in a matter of days. A local florist in Singapore will need 24 to 48 hours to create an arrangement for the funeral home. It is recommended that you place an order for funeral flowers the day you find out about the disheartening news. This will give your florists ample time to create the funeral sprays, wreaths, or funeral basket.
For a hassle-free delivery, request your florist to deliver the funeral flowers to the funeral home previous to the ceremony. This is recommended even if you plan to attend the funeral service. Sending the flowers ahead will ensure that the flowers will be brought with the coffin to the funeral service.
In some cases, funeral flowers can be forgotten at the funeral home. This can happen when the flowers are delivered too late or there are simply too many flowers to transport to the church and the burial site. If you want your flowers to be useful, it is best to send them during the open-casket viewing or you can simply send a wreath for the funeral. Condolence Wreaths don’t occupy as much space as sprays and are easier to transport.
Delivery to the Family Home
You can opt for a hamper delivery or gift basket to the residential address of the immediate family. This is the preferred choice in cases when you don’t know about the customs or traditions of the family. You can also opt for live plants that can be enjoyed by the family longer. Live plants will also ensure the family can remember this gesture longer.
In case you can’t find out which funeral home the body is laid for viewing, you may consider sending the funeral flowers to the family home. However, take caution when requesting your florist to deliver the funeral flowers to the residential address. Some flower delivery services may leave the flowers outside if no one is at home to receive them. This can expose the flowers to weather conditions. In other cases, the flowers are sent back to the florist and you will have to pay an additional fee to reclaim the flowers.
Delivery to Crematoriums, Churches, and Other Places of Worship
It is generally avoided to send funeral flowers to a church, temple, or any other places of worship. Often the ceremony held at the church is only for a short time and it will only be a hassle to the family to transport the flowers from the church to the funeral site.
In addition, there is no guarantee that a member of the family will be available to receive the funeral flowers. If the church receives the flowers on behalf of the family, it can create additional burden as to where and how to store the flowers until the ceremony.
Some churches also refuse to accept funeral flowers. They may accept a few casket sprays and standing sprays brought by the family, but these should also be taken by the family after the ceremony is finished.
In Conclusion
Sending flowers in remembrance of the deceased is best delivered to the funeral home during viewing. It can also be sent to the funeral home on the day the funeral service will take place. Avoid sending the flowers to churches where they may be rejected.