Typically, when we see cute babies we could not help but just adore them, right?
So we as parents we simply give them everything, meaning all of the necessities of infants. But not only to basic things, but we also tend to do more for the babies.
I would like to further elaborate everything as in things in the baby toys and kids section of malls or shops which we can afford and or much more and beyond our spending capabilities. Well, just saying.
What would you do when you are in the shop already, you can be clueless especially for parents who are first-timers.
We must make a list of things we need for our household, our work stuff, for the kids’ stuff, things we must bring when we go out with kids.
We can be practical and at the same time enjoy life.
It is our joy as parents to share with our babies the most wonderful things in this world.
Our kids may not be mature enough to accept it or to show how grateful they are.
But when we see in their faces those cute big ears to ear smiles, those tiny coo coos, and da das. It’s a priceless gift from our very own babies.
I know most of you mothers and fathers will agree on me on that particular sentiment.
How we consider and contemplate on the important factors that may spark their interest or their keen attention. Here are some parameters in considering when we purchase our baby toys and gifts for new babies and infants.
1 Colors – red objects and toys are very attractive to babies, especially to infants.
The ultimate reason is that it represents the color of their first environment, I am pertaining to the mother’s womb because it is surrounded by red blood.
The healthy psychology of the baby:
Therefore, when a baby sees a red object,
They become very familiar with it and can easily associate with the color red color
range of the light spectrum:
This red color in a particular range of the light spectrum emits waves frequently that can be easily seen commonly by any normal person of any age.
Moreover, our babies appreciate this specific color of RED among any other colors because of its visibility factor.
And as for some parents’ knowledge; Red is considered as “Apple of the eyes” for babies because they can easily detect it.
This will be our first factor in buying items and toys for our babies to make happy and surprise.
2 Sound– why do we choose toys with a squeaky and pleasant sound. Most of the parents who read maternity books are already familiar with this factor, they should be able to recognize that we need to choose toys with sound because it complements their attention and it enhances the very first developed sense of human being which is hearing.
Musical toys- there are many musicals with pleasant sounds, not too loud toys. It will make our babies genius as some experts said.
3 Hand sized objects- this particular size of object and toys is very useful and handy because it can help the babies in grasping and arm activities.
It is appropriate to choose hand size or small size toys. Remember not to choose very small-sized toys or items because they might eat it and goes directly to the mouth and not so big because it will scare your baby.
And when we give them toys or objects make sure that you give time to play with them and it will also be an opportunity to witness his first muscle motor activities
And to share in their happiness in the special moment.
And to observe your babies every time. Making sure they are safe at all times.
4 Mobiles– stimulate their visuals and sense of sight. Moving objects secured overhead or at the side and attached to the baby crib. It is part of their environment now. We can use these visual stimuli as one of the baby items. To exercise their neck head and eyes muscles.
5 Safe features– secure poles, no sharp edges only rounded ones, soft with cushion, light kind of items
6 Dual or multi-purpose – visually appealing and with corresponding purposes. which will help and are beneficial for our babies especially toys that are good for motor and sensory developments.
7 Necessities – like clothes, formula bottles, hoodies, mittens and socks, jackets, bib, blankets and linens, crib, diapers, cleaning and steaming material for feeding for infants and new babies.
Bathing materials and toys
Car seat for the baby
8 Baby’s Age
We must consider the age and stages of milestone development of the babies.
Neonate- from birth to one month (0-1mo)
Infant- one month to two years old (1mo-2yo)
Toddler- one-year-old to three years old (1yo-3yo)
Children- two years old to twelve years old (2yo-12yo)
In certain age specifications:
Newborn babies – less than twenty-eight days old as categorized by WHO;
Newborn babies – up to three months old are categorized by Child Developmental Milestones;
Fetal- interchangeably used word with neonate :
Baby – a term used for a young child, young human; recently born being.
Hoping you use these good guidelines in choosing and buying toys for your newborn babies. The parameters given above are information that will surely help parents to prepare themselves in making a list of they must buy items for their newborn babies. And carefully considering also the things that will make them safe and at the same will enjoy their new toys.
When going to the malls or your favorite baby shop. Lots of cute items are displayed in every corner all of which appear in all sizes, shapes, and colors.
We as parents have our own ways of choosing things for our kids but;
There are things that really attractive and very useful for our babies.
We should be aware of the things about “good things to buy”.
It is best we consult experts like the pediatrics doctors, experienced parents, and we take into account the advice of our gifts, toys suppliers.
All of the objects and toys that I am going to highlight in this section are things that spark the interest of our child.
Baby Items and toys:
May we suggest on these items to include for your list:
Aside from the items already mentioned above:
Pacifier – great for their sucking reflexes
Squeeze balls – hand movements until grasping activities
Toys with music
Toys with some assistance from parents- a chance for parents to play and give quality time for their babies.
Colorful toys, and with red shade
Toys use when bathing
Baby Gadgets:
May we suggest on these items to include for your list:
Aside from the items already mentioned above:
Playmat and with cushion
Bouncer with music
Car seat and trolley
Baby essentials:
May we suggest on these items to include for your list:
Aside from the items already mentioned above:
On the go
Baby Store and shops:
There shops where we could trust the quality of their products like
Baby’s slings and carriers
Dear baby
Furst few years
Baby hyper store
Chubby chubby
Mother’s work baby and kids
Agape babies
City baby.sg
Jarrons & Co.
Baby kingdom Singapore
Singapore online shop
Pupsik studio
Little baby
There are also some facebook online stores.