One of the most important things that soon-to-be couple needs for their wedding are a wedding car. This can offer them the convenience of going to and from the church and reception. It is normal to decorate the wedding car to suit this special occasion. Besides, you don’t need to over style the car and fill it with lots of decorations instead you have to make it simple and elegant.
Wedding car decoration is often handled by the family or friends of the soon-to-be couple. There are many ways on how they can accentuate the car and finish it ahead of time. One of the best and simplest ways to design the car is by using ribbons. It will only take you a couple of minutes to decorate a wedding car with ribbons thus saving you time, effort, and money.
Steps to Attach the Ribbon to a Wedding Car
Attaching the ribbons to the wedding car may look so easy. However, this is something that you have to do properly if you want to keep the ribbon in place and avoid worrying on how to remove it after the wedding. Listed below are the steps that you should follow when decorating the car with ribbons.
- You have to stretch the ribbon and lay it flat to get rid of the crumbled parts. You would surely want the design to stand out no matter how simple it is. You can make use of books to flatten the ribbon and leave it overnight.
- You have to decide what style of decorations you want to do for the wedding car to know how you will place the ribbon. You cannot just tie the ribbon anywhere you want because you also have to make sure that it looks prim and will not be removed easily.
- Make sure that you tie the ribbon tightly to prevent it from loosening up. You also have to be assured that it will not cover the license plate of the car instead let it rest on the bumper.
- It is an advantage if you will purchase a wedding ribbon kit so you can have everything you need for the decoration such as the adhesive pads. This can offer you the peace of mind you need of not damaging the car especially the color. On the other hand, if you don’t have the kit then you should look for other adhesive pads as long as it is safe to use.
What to Consider Before Decorating the Wedding Car
There are different factors that you have to put into consideration if you are planning to decorate a wedding car with ribbons. Remember that ribbons come in different styles, sizes, and colors so you have to match it with the car as well as to the theme of your wedding. So to help you decide what particular ribbon to use for the wedding car, then here are some important things that you should consider.
- Check the type of car that you will use for the wedding because this can help you decide what ribbon to use. You should have an idea on where you can possibly attach the ribbons for you to come up with a design perfect for the car.
- Before you purchase the ribbons, make sure that you pick the right colors that will match the color of the car as well as your motif. It is advisable then you go for bright colors for a car in a light color.
- You can also personalize the ribbon by asking the guests to write their messages for the newly-wed then, later on, attach them to the ribbons. This is something that the couples will surely appreciate.
- If you want to spice up the occasion, you can consider tying tin cans aside from using ribbons. You can attach the cans to the bumper that could create noise and will surely capture the attention of the crowd.
- When using ribbons, safety will always be a priority. It only means that you have to decorate the car with ribbons in a way that you will not block the windows and mirrors. The path should always be visible not only for the driver but also for the couples.
- It is also possible for you to decorate the interior part of the car with ribbons for an added surprise and style.
Reasons for Using Ribbons to Style a Wedding Car
There are many reasons why soon-to-be couples prefer using ribbons for wedding car decoration. Just like flowers, ribbons are also accessible. In fact, you can combine these two in styling the car knowing that you can easily get any type of flower from a florist in Singapore that will suit the ribbon. You can even ask help from an online florist about what types of flowers you can use for the wedding car as well as the ribbon.
Another reason why ribbons can be a perfect way of styling a wedding car is that it is affordable. You can even come up with lots of ideas on how you will style car using ribbons and will only take you a few minutes to finish. Yet, it is best that you search for various ideas that you can do with the ribbon as early as possible if you want the wedding car to be prepared before the much-awaited day of the bride and the groom.