Gerbera Daisy Bouquet Delivery

Send Peonies Bouquet For All Special Occasion
Are you looking for unique flower bouquets or arrangements to send to a loved one today? If yes, then our Daisy bouquet delivery is your best option. People love Daisy Gerbera flowers because they come in a wide array of colors and they have that beautiful big and bold bloom. Daisy flowers are perfect for any occasions and events. You can send one to say “Thank You” or “Get Well Soon” or express romantic messages and emotions.
Peonies also signify honor and prosperity making it a versatile gift for many more occasions. From birthdays and anniversaries to corporate occasions, peonies will have a place in every bouquet. Red peonies, in particular, are a symbol of wealth. In ancient China, red peonies always have a place in a peony bouquet for the nobility.
When words cannot express how you feel, a white peony bouquet is your go-to flower. White peonies are traditionally given by a person that feels shy in expressing their feelings by their words or actions. If you are the type of guy that gets tongue-tied in front of the girl you like, then white peonies help convey the message.
So whether you’re preparing for a traditional wedding, an anniversary, or wish to confess your feelings to a girl you adore, a peony bouquet will certainly fit the occasion.
Our online florist business allows you to order a peony bouquet for delivery in Singapore. Let the recipient enjoy these romantic blooms for a beautiful day.
Peony Bouquet Customization
#Peony Bouquet For Someone Special
Order a peony bouquet for your special day
Peonies are the all-time favorite of brides who are going for a traditional wedding. They can stand alone in shades of pale pink and white. Or it can also be in a mixed arrangement with roses or lilies, and always make an elegant impact.
The big and romantic ruffles are complemented by the subtle shades of pink to the deep, seductive hues of burgundy. It exudes femininity and comes with large blooms making it the perfect feature flower.
With round and full-bodied blooms, you won’t need many peonies to fill your wedding bouquet. Peonies also look great with foliage for a more natural vibe. As little as two peonies can make an impact in a bridal bouquet.
Spring and summer brides are the luckiest as peonies are plenty at from May to August.
Peonies are also beautiful in a floral crown and it is scented too, making it a welcome addition to your headpiece.
When preparing for a traditional wedding bouquet, you can consult our local florists to create a lush peony bouquet that symbolizes a happy marriage. Our florist in Singapore can make a unique floral arrangement with peony focal flowers. Our peony price will certainly fit your wedding budget.
For couples you had peonies in their wedding 12 years ago, you may be given a peony bouquet again as it is the traditional flower for a 12th year wedding anniversary. Our professional florist often incorporates pink peonies in the arrangement as this symbolizes romance and beauty. Pink peonies are also more fragrant than red ones.