The salary of a florist may vary in rate and amount depending on scope of work, level of responsibility, level of experience, and length of work. Approximately, a Florist Singapore has an average annual salary of SG$49,500 working from 8 to 10 maximum hours daily or an hourly rate of SG$24. Those florists who work part time usually receive an average of SG$1,000 monthly. Based on the survey data, this average rate for the florist in Singapore still varies depending on entry level and senior level with more than 8 years of floristry experience.
For entry level florists, with average salary rate of SG$1,000 per month, the tasks and duties include daily records and filling out of order forms for any flower arrangement, hand bouquets, wreaths, baby hampers, get well hampers, fruit baskets, and more. The florist is expected to create more floral designs in free style or specific styles for seasonal promotions and upon orders of customers. Other duties also include flower handling and arrangement, stock-taking, and soaking of sponges. An entry level florist in Singapore does not have to have a bachelor’s degree in floristry and other related courses. Employers and owners of the flower shop Singapore will only require the florist to display professionalism in terms of skills and attitude of enthusiasm and willingness to work.
For professional florists with an average salary rate of SG$24 per hour, the tasks and duties include professional floral design, signature designs, and customized designs. Some senior florists stick to the pre-formatted designs for the flower arrangements while some prefer to go free and create their own layout or pattern. Although demands for original and spontaneous designs are lesser, senior florists earn more from them, no matter the season or available flowers during the season.
Proficiency in plant care is a must-know skill for any florists. In fact, most florists who do plant care even invest on farms where they can grow their own flowers for the florist business. Moreover, a professional florist has the potential to earn more by operating online, especially now that most customers prefer to access florist’s website to place their orders and do their flower purchases. It is another task for a florist to do since maintaining a website can be a tedious task, but it can be more rewarding as well. For the average salary rate of SG$1,000 to SG$2,000 per month, being a florist in Singapore is a career worth pursuing, especially if you have the passion and love for flowers, and if you have the right attitude to learn more about the florist industry.