There are many ways you can express your love to someone or remind them of how special they are and one of the most well-known way is by giving them a bouquet of roses. A lot of people see the flower as a symbol of love and beauty. Not everyone knows the different meanings of its colors and the message of the number of its stems. It may seem insignificant as to have meaning to every number, but a lot of Singapore’s florist acknowledge this type of belief and expression. It would also be a bit more sentimental and meaningful if the receiver figures out the meaning behind it all.
Nature is something quite beautiful as it has given the world a lot of flowers and blooms to see and have. Giving someone flowers has actually become one of the sweetest and heart-warming gestures anyone can do. Which is probably a lot of people appreciate the subtle feelings and message one conveys through the bouquet. Even if it is a secret message of some sort.

About Roses
When you think of roses, the color red would probably be the first that would pop inside your mind. While it is true it is one of the most common types of roses and the most used, roses are not just limited to the color red. Roses actually come in a variety of colors, each with their own significant meaning or message. Roses, in general, do symbolize love and beauty but other colors other than red signify something else like purity and innocence and even femininity. It would be sweeter if you took the time to learn about the meaning behind the color of roses and the number of stems before you choose a flower bouquet for your loved ones.
Pink roses, in any type of shade, would probably be rare but it is usually the flower used and sold during Mother’s Day. This is because the pink rose is a symbol of beauty, gentleness and femininity, something that mothers embody. If you are planning to give a bouquet to your mother, or your wife, then pink roses are definitely a good fit. The pink rose is also good for young girls who are still going through discovering the strength of their own femininity.
- Roses and its colors
While there are a lot of colors that roses come with, if you are the type to want to focus on something that would be good to give to your wife or mother, or even your daughter the color you should focus on. The meaning behind these two colors are:
- Red rose – a lot of people already know what this color symbolizes and that is love and beauty. This is known to be the best rose to communicate your love and powerful or passionate emotions for somebody. A red rose can also symbolize a longing for love. If you want the red but want to convey something like sorrow and regret, you should get a deep-hued red rose.
- Pink rose – The pink rose or the color pink itself is the color for femininity and gentleness. If you want something softer regarding your feelings for somebody. The pink rose also symbolizes joy, admiration, grace, gratitude and tender emotions. This is perfect if you want to make someone feel the softest and sweetest kind of emotion.

Stems and numbers of Pink Roses
Now that you know some of the meanings behind the colors, you should now learn about the meanings behind the number of stems in a bouquet. Not a lot of people would take this into consideration but this would make the message you want to send more serious and more passionate if you do it right. Here are some meanings behind the number of stems you place or let your florist place in a hand bouquet that would absolutely add meaning to your confession or conveyance of feelings:
- A single pink rose – this number or roses is a subtle way of saying you have had ‘love at first sight’. Give this to someone you felt an instant connection with.
- 2 pink roses – an expression of sweet and deep love.
- 3 pink roses – a common way to say ‘I love you’.
- 5 pink roses – this is the number you should choose to give to your friends and someone to remind them they are special to you.
- 7 pink roses – a number that signifies infatuation.
- 9 pink roses – You should give this to someone you want to be with for the rest of your life.
- 11 pink roses – this is what you should give to someone you treasure.
- 15 pink roses – this number is the one you should choose if you are asking for forgiveness from the recipient.
- 50 pink roses – this is for those who want to express their unconditional love.
- 66 pink roses – this is the number you should give to someone you want to remind that your love will never change.
- 77 pink roses – This is for those who have found their soulmate.
- 88 pink roses – this is also the number you should choose if you want to apologize to the recipient.
- 99 pink roses – A passionate and honorable message that says you will love the person for the rest of your life or until you die. Learn comprehensive 99 Rose Bouquet Meaning before you buy it.