If you order flowers to send to your mom or wife or sisters on Mother’s Day or a special flower bouquet on special occasions, you are also hoping that they will come on time and at the best quality. Flower is a perfect gift to anyone special who is celebrating a very special day, but when the flower delivery went wrong, what will you do? The Florist aims to provide the best quality services, and also the assistance when your orders went wrong. Here are some of the things that you can do about your orders that went wrong:
Check the flowers.
When the florist delivery arrives, check the condition of the flowers. If they are in the best condition, not wilted, and no damaged or torn stems or leaves, receive the package. But if they are not a good sight to see for a flower gift, it is best to not accept them and let the sender know about. The sender is the only one allowed to complain to the online florist for the wrong delivery.
Ask for replacement or refund.
According to law, customers have the right to ask for replacement or full refunds on wrong flower delivery. A good florist will offer the best deals for the orders to replace the wrong delivery or to refund the orders. It is best that you know your rights as a customer, just in case things like this happens.
If you order flowers for a big event, like wedding or corporate event, and the delivery went wrong or they arrived late, then you are forced to purchase flowers from other florists, include the expenses when you refund. This is stated in the law as well because the florist should shoulder any of your additional expenses regarding the flowers due to their negligence and lack of quality service.
Give honest to goodness complaints on their website.
This will help other customers as well. Bad reviews happen every once in a while even to good online florist. If they settle the complaints in a nice or bad way, let other customers know so that they will have an idea of what kind of service the florist provides.
Look for other florists next time.
Now that you experienced bad delivery service from a florist, it is best to look for another florist who offers better services and quality flower.